
Since 2011, a jury of experts has decided on the awarding of scholarships each year. These range from CHF 4,000-6,000 depending on performance. Instruments are also awarded to outstanding young musicians as part of the scholarship auditions. The auditions take place at the Musikschule Konservatorium Zürich and are not open to the public.


Monday, 3 March 2025

Rahn Kulturfonds – Musikinstrumente
Rahn Kulturfonds – Musikinstrumente


Candidates are admitted who...

  • were born after 1.3.1998;
  • have been enrolled for at least two semesters at a Swiss university according to the list of the Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz KMHS;
  • have passed the video pre-selection.


  • A complete work from the Classical period and an additional complete work from either the Baroque or Romantic period must be prepared. If there is no suitable repertoire for your instrument, please contact us via email.
  • A maximum of two participations is allowed.
  • You must bring your own piano accompaniment (a grand piano is available).


Please note the following two registration steps and be sure to adhere to the deadlines! Only registrations submitted on time and in full will be considered.

1. fill out the registration form by 20.01.2025

2. upload the documents by 24.01.2025

After submitting the registration form, you will receive an e-mail with an upload link to upload the documents according to the following list:



The Rahn Kulturfonds provides outstanding young musicians with instruments on loan. You can apply for a loan as part of the annual scholarship auditions. A violin and a violoncello are available for loan. More detailed information is available on request.

Rahn Kulturfonds – Geige aus Blumentopf
Rahn Kulturfonds – Geige aus Blumentopf